Invitation: professional development event
Please join us for a presentation by
Dr. Noah Raford
Chief Operating Officer, Futurist-in-Chief
Dubai Future Foundation
who will introduce
The Museum of the Future
organised by
Culture Counsel
Tuessday 17th April 2018 6pm to 6.20 pm - Welcome registration, 6.30 to 7.30pm - Dr. Noah's presentation
Emirates Towers (room to be confirmed, dependent upon numbers)
for whom
those working int the UAE museum, art, culture and heritage sector. You are welcome to invite colleagues, but please note that this is an industry event and not for the public
because it is time that all of those working in and with the sector in the UAE got to know each other and our new museums better
required to please note that places are limited so book early
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum at the event celebrating the placing of the last piece of the structure in place, December 2020
The Museum of the Future is a unique incubator for futuristic innovations and design, currently under construction in Dubai, UAE. Opening in 2019, the Museum will become the world’s largest and most exciting way to discover tomorrow’s trends and opportunities.